Dr. Siegel’s flagship course exploring the Mindsight Approach to Well-Being.
Unlock the path to healing trauma with renowned expert Dan Siegel’s ground-breaking approach based on Interpersonal Neurobiology (“IPNB”).
Dr. Siegel’s flagship course exploring the Mindsight Approach to Well-Being.
Unlock the path to healing trauma with renowned expert Dan Siegel’s ground-breaking approach based on Interpersonal Neurobiology (“IPNB”).
Dr. Siegel’s flagship course exploring the Mindsight Approach to Well-Being.
Unlock the path to healing trauma with renowned expert Dan Siegel’s ground-breaking approach based on Interpersonal Neurobiology (“IPNB”).
Continuing Education Credit (CEC) is co-sponsored by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) and the Mindsight Institute.
CECs are available for psychologists and California licensed MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs, Nurses, Chiropractors, and may be applicable for other licenses. Please review the approval and board details below. It is the responsibility of the participant to determine if their accreditation board will accept the credits offered by the Mindsight Institute. The Mindsight Institute does not confirm the applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed here.
American Psychological Association (APA): SCA is approved by the APA to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SCA maintains responsibility for the programs designated as co-sponsored by the SCA, and their content. For administrative questions about CE credit, contact info@mindsightinstitue.com. For more information about the Spiritual Competency Academy or CE credits for psychologists, please visit www.spiritualcompetencyacademy.com
The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association, as listed in Article 8, § 1887.4.1. Board-Recognized Approval Agencies.
The California Board of Registered Nursing: SCA is a provider approved by the CA BRN, (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California.
The California Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ Code of Regulations 361(h)(2) provides that continuing education requirements may be met by taking continuing education courses by any California Healing Arts Board-approved provider, including those approved by the BRN.
The California Board of Occupational Therapy allows for 12 of the 24 required continuing competency units to include occupation-based theory assessment/interview techniques, intervention strategies, and community/environment as related to your practice. The CBOT does not approve courses for continuing competency, and determining the applicability of course material for personal practice is the responsibility of the participant. Please read more about CBOT FAQs.
Attendance Requirements:
Self-paced programs require the completion of comprehension assessment. To be eligible for CE credits, participants are required to:
CEC Certificates of Attendance will be immediately available to those who complete the attendance requirements.
Cancellation/Refund Policies:
If a grievance arises pertaining to continuing education programs, teachers, or processes, the complainant should write to info@mindsightinstitute.com as soon as possible, so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion. If a grievance cannot be resolved this way, a participant may contact the appropriate professional association directly.
The Spiritual Competency Academy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists. SCA will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content, and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of David Lukoff, Ph.D. and Cassandra Vieten, PhD, Co-Directors of SCA.
When a grievance arises pertaining to continuing education programs or processes, the complainant should notify SCA as soon as possible, so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion. All attempts will be made to resolve the issue informally. If a grievance cannot be resolved this way, or if you prefer to contact the appropriate professional association directly, you should contact the ethics board of American Psychological Association, BRN, or the California Psychological Association ethics committee, or California State Board of Psychology.
If your grievance concerns a presenter, the content presented by the presenter, the style of presentation, level of presentation, or the facilities, send your comments in a written format to us, and we will pass on the comments to the speaker or facility manager, assuring your confidentiality.
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